Let a path appear…


Let’s begin.

As a yogic life coach, I incorporate the benefits of yoga, mindfulness and meditation in all my sessions. Our goal is to create permanent change (transformation) in your life and to do it with ease. Change can look like simple adjustments in daily habits like monitoring screen time, or it can look more complex, with alterations in relationships or career direction.

Take action. Be seen. I’m here to help.

Coaching services can be applied to the following groups:

  • Individuals: Individual Coaching will focus on YOU and your path forward in various parts of your life.

  • Couples: Couples Coaching will look at your shared values and goals as you create a path forward in your lives together. It will also involve individual sessions to encourage personal development in both halves of the relationship.

  • Businesses: Business Coaching will look at getting to the heart of your business and seeing how to amplify more of your, and your team’s, strengths to grow with ease. Mindfulness tools and practices will be utilized.

*Note that if you’re managing complex issues, I’ll be happy to refer you to adjacent health & wellness provider(s) in my network.


Is life coaching for you?

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My coaching is holistic. It incorporates mind, body and soul. Life is full of unknowns. But feeling aligned, in your values, actions and identity will help you navigate whatever comes up, with ease.

If you’re interested in self-development and healing, you probably are a mindful, insightful person and aren’t needing “lessons” on these topics. You’re probably looking at coaching because while solo self-reflection is wonderful, it doesn’t necessarily lead to change. Insights need action.

Working with a coach fills in the blanks on an integral part of human existence, what I call “being seen.” When I coach you, I see you and help nudge you toward gentle action. These actions help you understand and actualize more of what you want in your life and feel clear about your path.

More about coaching…


Coaching differs from therapy. In the medical community, one might say that coaching is for “higher functioning” or “well patients.” These terms are a bit dated, but worth noting. Therapists are licensed by the state and can diagnose and treat mental illness. Coaches are not licensed by a state and cannot diagnose mental illness or accept health insurance.

I like to say that coaching has more of an emphasis on the hows in life vs. the whys. Coaches are present-minded. We want to see what’s happening now and what we can do to move forward. The past matters, but at the end of a session we want to see you do something today about it. (You don’t need to move a mountain, just start a process. Baby steps add up!)

Compared to more regulated health professions, coaches are free to explore alternative techniques like meditation, spirituality, hypnosis or energetic healing. They also can provide other business offerings, like consulting, when working with clients, without any conflicts of interest.

Most people seeking coaching feel off about things. They have their life “together,” by most standards, but need some direction and change. They’re looking to feel a shift in their life, to get things back on track, and want a little help, encouragement, perspective, wisdom and guidance to get there.

I refer to my style of coaching as Yogic Life Coaching as it incorporates my knowledge of meditation and yoga. Oftentimes, people seek out coaching solutions with me when/if:

  • You’re feeling blocks in life…doors seem closed;

  • You’re working alone, or a solopreneur, and need some accountability and momentum to get started on something new;

  • You’re BURNED OUT;

  • You would like to stop spiraling thoughts;

  • You’re highly-sensitive, and want to develop your empathic gifts;

  • You feel scared to show up but know in your bones that you’re meant for something BIGGER;

  • You’re drawn to yoga and spiritual arts, but get lost or feel unsure about how to develop your own personal practice;

  • You’re a healer, teacher, parent or leader looking to live and teach from a confident, steady and mindful space;

  • You want to shift the energy in your home, work or your life in general.

Want to see if it’s a fit for you?

Heart to Hearts

You make a difference.

With every purchase, a portion goes toward a featured non-profit. At this time, to sustain education efforts, we are donating to Malala.

We also provide scholarships for those seeking coaching, available by application.